sábado, 19 de febrero de 2011


the pollution
Did you know that your home or office contribute to the greenhouse effect? The energy used in our daily activities - on electric waxing, driving cars, and heat or cool our homes - is responsible for air pollution which contributes to climate change. Today, there are technologies available that can reduce energy use significantly, and at the same time improve the quality of our lives.

Other things you can do:

• Make sure the settings for controlling the power consumption of computer (PC) screen and monitors are optimized so that they enter sleep mode when you're not on your desktop.
• Make sure someone in the office printers and copiers off at the time of departure.
• Set printers and copiers to automatically print on both sides of the paper, it takes more energy to make a sheet of paper to copy an image into it.

Preventive measures:

• Do not burn or cut plants
• monitor the use of fertilizers and pesticides
• Do not throw garbage in inappropriate places
• regulating the urban cleaning service
• public awareness
• create drainage pathways for industries that do not reach the sea or rivers used for the service or consumption of humans and animals
• control accidental oil spills
• control tailings

I hope I have helped a little

and the importance of truth

* Take very many consciousness


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